Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Making New Friends

I wonder how many of us are divorced these days and of those who are, how many experienced the disappointment of losing long-time friends at the same time as losing that spouse like I did because I didn't live up to the image of that perfect-Christian woman I portrayed on the outside. What's with THAT?  I remember feeling so abandoned by my friends that it took me years to recover enough to wake up one day and actually recognize that "I need to make new friends!" Now, with the exception of Randi, JoJo, and Di, the faces in my everyday life are new ones ... faces who love me for who I am at this point in my life.  What is interesting and most humbling is that my friends in Florida of 35 years have stuck with me through thick and thin no matter what direction my life has taken.  Maria, Colleen, Phyllis, and Jay are on the forever-friends list for certain!  What about YOU?  Has this happened and what did you do about it? 

1 comment:

  1. Yup, it happened to me too when I was separated. The very people that I thought would be there disappeared. It was painful and lonely but my Hero rushed in!!! He gently helped me to see that I relied on "friends" more than I relied on Him. That period of time was also a time of awakening and caused me to ask myself, "what kind of a friend have I been?"
    He's perfect. we're not and a little Grace goes a long way! Another lesson in the furnace!!!!!
    Love your perfectly imperfect friend! JoJo
