Monday, March 2, 2009


Remember Seinfeld?  Who can forget, right?!?!?  I LUV that show (yes, I still watch the reruns) because it’s about friendships!  Remember the days when we were young, single, and just “hung-out” with our buds not doing anything in particular and usually having a good time no matter what it was anyway?   For me, those days were in the 1970’s in Clearwater/Clearwater Beach, FL.  There were 4 of us girls, and we seemed to usually gather at either my or Maria’s place.  We were so totally different in regards to personalities and how we embraced life back then.  And today, we are still the best of buds and still live different lives.   If I were to suggest, I think Maria would have been Kramer; Colleen was like Jerry’s character; Phyllis like George; and I was Elaine back then.  We had our favorite breakfast shop on Missouri Street; went to the Judge’s Chambers for night-clubbing; same spot on the beach every weekend; etc. etc. etc.  Our lives were like 4 continuing sagas of nothing that amounted to much in the long run.

I miss those days.  Since I moved away from FL, I obviously don’t see my friends as often any more.  When I do, it is like we haven’t skipped a beat!   We usually get together at Phyllis’ house now because she moved inland and away from the beach, so we other 3 meet at Colleen’s condo and journey by car out to see her.  It’s like a mini-vacation going all the way out to Brooksville!  Once there, we fall back into characters!  

Now that we are all grown up (ha ha) we have evolved just like the show’s characters into different places in many ways.  But one thing is forever certain: I know we will continue to walk and laugh ourselves through life together as friends knowing that our bond is special on a Seinfeld-type-level!




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